Monday, April 14, 2008


After a long time, today I felt like penning my thoughts again…
If you ask me why… well… maybe because am at home, this is the time that I synchronize me with, well, none other than me :) . Being at home is like being in heaven, right? There might be no 'I-am-great' feeling there, no high-funda life, still everything about home is special… home gives you a feeling a belonging, a feeling of self…
Hmmm… I guess am getting too worked with the question ‘why’. Lemme now tell you what I wanna share with you. Was at kitchen today, making ‘payasam’, today being vishu. And that old feminist spirit came to me again. To make it clear, I am not that kind of a feminist whose pictures come in newspapers all the time, who insist on the other gender asking for forgiveness all through. I am one of another kind, who feels that feminism is all about the way a woman lives, to be able to give vent to her feelings, to be able to make people close to her understand, what she wants, and to understand what others need from her. She is not the ultimate power, nor does she craves for power, its all about understanding others as well as fulfilling her wishes.
The other day, I heard about a girl who was forced to spend her life in a kitchen. She was not the least happy doing these household jobs. She felt useless, and considered her life useless. To be honest to myself, I don’t think that its some useless job, it’s actually the most challenging job that someone can ever take up. And only women can do this job to perfection, not her muscled counterparts. It’s as much interesting as any disciplined profession can be. But just like you can’t force a doctor to join the PWD department, you can’t force someone who is not interested to take this up. Anyone can earn, work in an organization they like or not, for the sake of making money, but its only few who can make others happy by keeping themselves happy. And this is not something applicable to girls alone; it’s applicable to everyone dreaming of a happy life.
I dream about my future too, and I know exactly where my preferences are, whatever I say. And it’s about knowing oneself by a woman, which should be called feminism, not anything else…
And am proud to say that I am feminist; I place my family above everything else…