.. it rained today!!!
I know that its something nice, especially when its boiling hot in the Garden City. But the saddest thing is that I did not even get to know that it was raining outside. And when I came out, I could not smell the sweet smell of rain against soil, coz it was all concrete that the rain splashed against. There were no teeny-weeny leaves nodding at me after a refreshing bath :(
Sitting inside those air-conditioned buildings, and in all the hue and cry about rating, recession, increments and what not, I am missing out on these small things which will actually make me happy...
Now I know why I simply love my monthly trips to Kerala where I can smell the soil, and walk around without slippers, where I can pluck mangoes from the tree, and run to the open space outside when I feel like having a gulp of fresh air. I love it when I am close to the nature, and that is when I feel myself...
And for those who think that missing out a scene of rain is just some 'very small issue', I wanted to pen something: "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may turn back and realize they were big things".