Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New Mommy In Town

Pregnancy is a beautiful part of life. And now that I no longer have a big tummy obstructing my view of ground beneath my feet, I am sure to miss a few things about it(and there are other things I can always live without and do not want to make a note of!). Let me try and make a list. These days I live by lists and checklists and looks like this habit is here to stay.
  • the joy that a simple snack brings to your life 
  • long drives in search of samosas and pani puris
  • making the best out of all-you-can-eat-buffets
  • the smiles people throw at you
  • the joy of jumping queues without a single glare
  • special care in public transit systems(and ofcourse at home)
  • hubby's cooking 
  • frequent dine-outs
  • laziness, at its best(or do I say worst? ;)
Labour & Delivery
But then life is not a bed of roses. It will take you ultimately to this beautiful looking section of the hospital.This section is aptly named. This is no picnic place however well they look after you. It's true labour which happens here, and working on the fields is better any day. There were moments when I thought it was the end, not of the delivery process but you know, 'The End', like when they put me on oxygen when my blood pressure went low. And boy, didn't I work hard!!! And that too having nothing but just pieces of ice for a little more than a day.

Anyways, after pushing, crying, screaming, silenced, shouting at hubby, pleading looks at the nurse and praying like never before - all in 25 hours, I could hear a loud squeaking(which is called crying) and I became a full-fledged mom - to a sweet little handsome guy. I call it 'full fledged' because until then there was no diaper changing or consoling a crying baby. Just carrying around(take my word for it, its much easier that way however bad you puke!). Looking after him is no small thing and it took me a couple of days(and nights, oh yes, nights) to accept the fact that such a small one can cause sooo much work(and noise, I should say noise).
Days of trial and error methods followed, and despite all the advises you get, you will learn to accept the fact that advises rarely hold. You will find a method that works for you and your baby and that's what you stick to. And oh yes, let me not forget the fact that the same method might or might not work again. That was an element of surprise for me. But then, I am being surprised by our little miracle every now and then that surprise is no surprise anymore :)
Dirty diapers, sweet smiles, loud 'hawa ka jhonka', small hugs, pursed lips, loud cries, cute to watch stretches and sooo many other magical(and not so magical) moments. I now know that every single gesture which comes from your baby is special. And after overcoming the initial fear and pain, the mom in me is now wide awake even when I am deep asleep. Yes, look out world. New mommy is in town.