I was on my way back from office, and since it had not been a long day, I decided to take a walk home which I just love in the Bangalore weather. And before you ask me, it wasn't that late. I was going back by 7:00 pm, afterall who doesnt like to go home early?
Soon I reached our main gate, and started walking along the main road. There is a very busy signal around here (just like all the other signals at Bangalore, yes, I can hear you say that!), and I started crossing the road, towards the service lane which will take me home. It started drizzling and I soon had my umbrella opened.
It was then that I felt a cold pair of hands on my throat, and I could see the people on bikes and cabs staring to see what is happening. My first reaction was to free myself off as I was afraid to the core. While I was twisting about, I saw a young man of about 25 running away, continuously looking back at me.
Another few microseconds passed and then realization struck me that he had got away with my chain. It was my favourite chain which I had been wearing since I was 28 days old. You know, all such emotional involvements. But at that moment, I couldnt think of that. I could only think of the numerous people around me who were straining their head out through the windows so as to get a better glance of what is happening, without extending any hands of help. Well, thats the kind of society we live in, and thats an altogether different issue. Sigh! And here begins my first trip to the police station.
Me, my friend and our house owner set off to the local police station nearby. I saw the lockup, and was thinking that it looks exactly the same way as it does in movies before I corrected myself. No! Directors have shown it the way it is. And Lo! there was a thief inside. And there were guns! I was busy looking at all these just the way we do while we visit museums that the inspector came in. And then came the questions, which had all been very familiar from the movies I watch, 'do you think you can recognize the thief?', 'how many sovereigns was it?' and so on.. After the question-answer session and occasional glances at the thief(it was after my friend reminded me that thief is also a human being, not an ET, that I stopped staring at him!), we left home.
I thought that this would be the last time I am gonna hear about my chain. But then, there are no end for surprises. I got a call from the police officer one day saying that they caught gold from somewhere and will get a chain made (though much lesser than mine in weight), and asking whether I am interested. I was not, initially, but after certain coaxing from friends and my house-owner, I agreed. And again we set off to the police station. Though there were no thieves this time for us to glare at, I got a chain, along with the bill for it from a famous jeweller here, saying that I can exchange it in 5 days time, if I wish to do so. Man, weren't we surprised? Till we reached the police station, we had never thought that this would happen even though we were informed of it. Thanks to Bangalore police, and their eccentric ways!!!
At Last you went to Police Station Na....!! Thats Good... Vandu..!!!
well.. Its very much true.. You dont have a choice other than to believe :)
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