Friday, December 25, 2009

Oodles of fun @ IBM - Part 2

We had a cubicle decoration competition at office yesterday, and that was great too. It was at 11'o clock that we decided to participate and by 11:30, we decided upon the theme - Indian festivals - one festival each in 4 corners. And now came the challenging question: which festivals and how to portray? Prasanna came up with a notepad, and we all sat together and an animated discussion followed. Christmas, for sure was opted since the spirit of X'mas was all around us. And we the Mallus just could not do without Onam. Pongal - said a few and Ramzan - shouted someone. But none of us actually knew what people do for Ramzan except for the biriyani part of it, so we settled upon Diwali. So XMas, Onam, Pongal and Diwali were finalized. And off we went to get stuff. The rest is best explained with pictures.

Pongal-o-Pongal: Note the papercup sugarcanes, cow and the pot with foaming milk

Pookalam depicting Onam

Paper boats (thithithara thithithay music in background)and Mahabali enjoying the show

Diwali - couldn't take a snap with the sweets, You see, people here all have a sweet tooth!!!

Christmas in the air

Santa and his sleigh

And guess the outcome. We won third prize - few packs of temptations and Kitkat family pack - for the CTP family :)


Unknown said...

hii chechii kolam

vandootty said...
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vandootty said...

Thanks Kennies

Sriram Sridharan said...

Good decoration.. I was always sad that we did not have girls like this in our team, those without any work ;)...

just kidding vandoos, but it's awesome..

Deepika said...

Santa and his sleigh was extremely good

Deepika said...

Santa and his sleigh was extremely good