I got calls from my dear ones both near and far right from the moment clock struck 12 (and even before that, as a matter of fact). And after that we cut cake (It was yummy, will post a pic here). There were 6 of us here(me, Su, Simi, Lisha, Treasa n Amulya), and while me n Simi indulged in the art and fun of cake splashing, smashing, throwing etc etc at each other, others intelligently stayed out of it and indulged in a more benefiting job of finishing the cake off. After that came the gifts part and I got my long dreamed Reebok Jacket and a salwar as gifts. Well, and after that I went off to sleep, and had a good sleep with occasional phone calls in between.
Now in the morning, there is a beautiful collage from Siva in my Inbox, and am setting off to office with a box of Diary Milk. Looking forward for a great day...
Happy Birthday .. :)
thanks Fino
awww!miss u re.......
me too.. Ria, n al d times v celebrated b'day at hostel
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